Creative Information article
Download here: Bókkon I. Creative Information article. 2003 Journal of Biological Systems. 1: 1-17
There are thousands of experiments in the world of science, but we do not have a uniform system, in which different results from the divergent development of science, as well as from our entire world can be connected to each other in a wholistic way. If divergence predominated over convergence, it would favor destructive and self-disastrous processes. Besides, it is indisputable that such a complex theory must involve the matter of consciousness and of the subconscious, as well as laws of physics, similarly to the concept presented here. According to Neumann’s reasoning, and because the brain does not use the language of mathematics, any complex theory should think in terms of tendencies and processes instead of formulas. Therefore, the complex theory described in this paper works in processes. In the first part of this article a possible role of the brain’s biopiezoelectric crystals is shown as they could take part in the process of storage of conscious information in a holographic way in the brain. The second part describes a concept of quantum vacuum theory of the unconscious implicit background (subconscious) and its connection with consciousness. In the third part, the global role of virtual particles (scalar waves) in the processes of the brain and in the material world is raised.